Law schools, law firms and other CLE programs teach you how to “Think Like A Lawyer,” but succeeding in a law firm environment also requires you to “Think Like A Client” so that your clients will like and respect you, and ideally, want to hire you again and again. Having spent more than twenty-five years as a law firm litigator, an in-house lawyer and now as a client, Zach McGee offers law firm lawyers at every level sage advice on what you should be doing -- and what you should not be doing -- to put your best foot forward when working with your clients.Speaker:
Zachary S. McGee, Senior Vice President, Business Affairs, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA
Zach McGee is a Senior Vice President, Business Affairs, for Sony Pictures Entertainment in Los Angeles where he negotiates distribution deals for feature films and television series. Before joining Sony Pictures, Zach held senior in-house legal positions at NBCUniversal and Miramax. Zach began his career as a law clerk to the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey, Chief Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and as an associate with DavisPolk in New York, New York, and Menlo Park, California. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and he received his Masters of Business Administration from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Zach is also a successful entrepreneur and founder of educational content companies in the legal space.